Blogs As the COVID recession will likely catalyse entrepreneurship, Africa has the opportunity to focus on serving those most in need All global institutions and commentators point towards continued market upheavals and likely associated economic recession…DjembeJuly 8, 2020
Blogs A thirst for truth in a Post-COVID world The 36th President of the United States, Lyndon Johnson, famously said that, “If you’re not…DjembeJune 26, 2020
Blogs Opportunities for Burkina Faso’s SMEs to drive national development In this article, we are interviewing Jeune Afrique’s Nadoun Coulibaly, who discusses the incredible changes…DjembeMay 22, 2020
Blogs AFRICAN INNOVATION ECOSYSTEMS ARE INTEGRAL TO THE CONTINENT’S COVID-19 CRISIS RESPONSE As the SARS-CoV-2 crisis unravels, there is much speculation about what the economic fallout impact…DjembeApril 23, 2020
Blogs FINTECH – EXCITING FOR TECHIES – A PATH TO PROSPERITY FOR THE UNBANKED Investors, analysts and geeks love fintech for the incredible technical and business potential of innovations…DjembeMarch 12, 2020
Blogs The Time for Talk about Africa Rising is Over – It’s Time to Do I’ve been working in Africa for many years, supporting government bodies, NGO’s, charities and private…DjembeNovember 19, 2019
Blogs Optimizing Social Media for Stakeholder Outreach Over the last few years, social media use by corporations across the African continent has…DjembeOctober 18, 2019
Blogs All Eyes on Africa For the Future of Innovation A Forbes headline caught my eye earlier this year: Why Africa has the ability to…DjembeOctober 15, 2019
Blogs My First 100 Days The age-old saying ‘time flies when you’re having fun’ couldn’t be more appropriate for my…DjembeOctober 13, 2019