

Having worked extensively with private, government and public sector organizations in Africa, we have gathered significant insight and understanding of the African markets. This intellectual property helps us to build an accurate picture of how the African story is unfolding: from the challenges faced by African entrepreneurs, the impact of COVID-19 on media consumption, to the complex relationships between citizen, government, and multinational organizations.

Djembe Insights provides us with a platform to share these insights so that all stakeholders invested in Africa’s future can benefit from the knowledge and intelligence that we have of this extraordinary continent.

We are always keen to collaborate with organizations or individuals to increase the breadth and depth of our research in Africa.

Building A Resilient Innovative Africa

Djembe Consultants has collaborated with AfriLabs, the largest pan-African network of 225 technology and innovation centres across 47 countries in Africa, to develop the report as a tribute to the region’s innovation spirit and youthful ingenuity and to provide policymakers and stakeholders with an understanding of the realities of the innovation ecosystem across the continent during a time of unprecedented global crisis. The report surveyed over 1,000 pan-African innovators, entrepreneurs and start-ups and combines their insights with the unique perspectives of some of the continent’s most experienced and informed social and economic experts and commentators including African Union Commission, African Development Bank, Mastercard Foundation, Honoris United Universities and UN Women amongst others.

To view the full report click here.
Djembe Insights Report on news consumption amidst COVID-19

As COVID-19 has unfolded, regular updates from national governments, the World Health Organization and other bodies have dominated the news agenda. We wanted to explore how the coverage of an event that has changed the course of history and affected the entire world’s human population, continues to impact how people consume news, how they interact with each other on social media platforms and how they feel about what they are being told from traditional sources. The changes in attitude towards and consumption of news during the age of COVID-19 has profound implications for how organizations engage with key stakeholders within the context of the new norm.

Download the djembe insights report

This report sets forth a framework for approaching the most important economic issues for Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The analysis and commentary of the report is derived mostly from those who are central to sustainable job creation—young entrepreneurs who are starting and running businesses within the continent.

Through analysis of data from 4,000 people between the age of 16 to 40, the report discusses the value of entrepreneurs, the challenges and opportunities inherent to entrepreneurship in SSA, and in-depth insights garnered from each of the markets surveyed (Angola, Ghana, Mozambique and Nigeria).

Download the Forbes insights report